How does General Ledger calculate available budget checks

How does General Ledger calculate available budget checks

Description of Issue

How does General Ledger calculate available budget

  • Available Budget Check
  • Chart Of Account Segments (COAS)

Site would like to know why user receives the available budget check message they do when entering transactions


The General Ledger looks to how the Organization Code is defined in Chart of Account Segments when calculating available budget check amounts.

Additional Information

To review/adjust setup follow the steps below.

  1. Browse to Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set Up/Chart Of Accounts > Chart Of Account Segments
  2. Select Organization Code from the GL Segment list drop down selection field
  3. Accept
  4. Scroll down and Highlight the Org Code that you would like to update 
    1. or Select Search
    2. Enter needed ORG code
    3. Accept
  5. Take note of the 'Calculate available budget' setting
    • None - would not notify if going over budget
    • Org - would use the total available budget of all accounts in the Org before notifying for over budget
    • Account - would look to specific account
      • Unless account is tied to a budget rollup code that groups and shares budget