Previous Year W2 Electronic file with wrong EIN number
Created a Electronic file on previous year with wrong EIN number want to correct this
Federal is asking to get two files one with Employees showing with zero wages and wrong EIN number and one with Employees showing the correct EIN number and correct wages
W-2 and 1099-R Processing
W-2c Processing
W-2c Electronic File
Filed the County's W-2 for year 2020 with the wrong tax id number.
Go to the W-2c Electronic File program (Payroll > W-2 and 1099-R Processing > W-2c Processing > W-2c Electronic File)
Select Correction to previously reported EIN for W2C Type
Define the rest of the fields. Click Accept. Click Output.
This will create both files, one with Employees showing with zero wages and wrong EIN number and one with Employees showing the correct EIN number and correct wages.