EIN error submitting W-2 file to SSA
EIN error submitting W-2 file to SSA
Description of Issue
I received the following error regarding the EIN when submitting my W-2 file to the SSA:
The file you submitted was not a valid EFW2 or EFW2C file. Record 2 contains an error with Employer/Agent Identification Number (EIN) [Positions 8-16]. The first two positions of this field must not be 00, 07, 08, 09, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 49, 69, 70, 78, 79, or 89. Please make sure the that your file follows the EFW2 or EFW2C specifications, correct the error and resubmit. Please be advised that additional errors may be discovered with each resubmission.
- Munis
- W-2 Processing
The populated EIN in the W-2 Wizard had a preceding 08, as listed in the error message this is not a valid EIN number.
- Access Create Electronic File: Payroll > W-2 Processing and 1099-R Processing > Create Electronic File
- Click Define, enter the reporting year click Accept
- Click Define > Employer Info
- Enter the valid EIN click Accept
- Click Text File in the ribbon
- Submit the new file
Additional Information