Retirees missing from NYSLRS Report

Retirees missing from NYSLRS Report

Description of Issue

Employees who do not have the retirement deduction withheld from their paycheck are not being reported on the monthly retirement report

  • Payroll 

  • New York

  • NYSLRS Report


Affected retirees didn't have a zero dollar deduction in Employee Deductions


If a zero-dollar deduction has not already been created for NYSLRS processing, use the steps below to create one:

  1. Open the Deduction and Benefit Master

  2. Select Add.

  3. Populate the following fields as noted and leave remaining fields at their default value:

    1. Select an unused deduction code.

    2. Enter a Short and Long Description that will be meaningful to your organization.

    3. In most scenarios, set Category to 03 – Retirement. If this does not fit your scenario, select a suitable code from the drop down.

    4. Set Insufficiency to M.

    5. Set Calc Code to 03.

    6. Set Check Type to N – No Check.

    7. Set Empe/Empr to 4 – Neither Pays.

    8. Select an Expense and Withholding account.

    9. Set Empe Amt/Pct to .000

    10. Set Empr Amt/Pct to .000

  4. Select Accept.

Once the deduction has been created, it needs to be attached to the affected employee(s) in the Employee Deduction program. 

Additional Information
  • NYSLRS requires that Retirees and Optional Members be reported in the submission file. These employees do not contribute to NYSLRS, but their Hours or Wages must be tracked.

  • The NYSLRS Report Generate process currently creates a Period Record for every employee with an Employee Deduction record for at least one of the defined Deduction codes, who also received a check matching the defined Pay Date.

  • The Setup document details all of the setup required for NYSLRS Enhanced Format Retirement Reporting.  Available here: NYSLRS Reporting - Setup