Database view containing comments for a work order

Description of Issue

Client wants database view containing comments for a given work order to build custom report

  • SSRS reports

  • Crystal reports

  • SaaS, Tyler-hosted clients

  • OnPrem, Self-hosted clients

  • Utility Billing Work Orders


View database columns does not show any TRS views information


To view the comments for a given work order in Munis, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Munis Menu > Asset Maintenance > Inquiries and Reports > Work Order Inquiry

  2. Search for a work order and click on Comments folder icon under Additional Information section

These comments are available in the view mu_text under column td_text. To match this comment for a work order, the work order number must be extracted from th_index_value column. 

The following sample SQL query shows how to get work order number out of the th_index_value field:

TRIM(RIGHT((CAST(SUBSTRING(th_index_value,3,9) AS VARCHAR)),6)) AS workorder_number
WHERE th_program ='utworkor'

Additional Information

If the comment contains more than 70 characters, it will be split into multiple rows in view mu_text with the column td_line_number representing the order of split.Â