Update the Minimum Tax Field in Tax Year Settings
The minimum tax amount for a billing category, such as Motor Vehicle (MV) excise, has changed and users are unable to update the Tax Year Setting to reflect the new minimum amount.
Property Tax Billing
Tax Year Setting (txyrparm)
Real Estate Billing
Personal Property Billing
Motor Vehicle Excise
Boat Excise
Sometimes the minimum tax amount for a specific billing category changes and needs to be updated in the Tax Year Setting to reflect the new minimum amount.
Once bills are created for a Tax Year Setting, the minimum tax field cannot be updated. Tax Year Settings also cannot be deleted after bills are created for and associated with that Tax Year Settings.
Duplicating a Tax Year Setting copies the minimum amount from the Tax Year Setting being copied.
If a Tax Year Setting has already been copied, but bills have not been created yet, delete the Tax Year Setting and add a new Tax Year Setting with the desired minimum tax amount instead of duplicating.
If no Tax Year Setting has been copied, simply add a new Tax Year Setting with the desired minimum tax amount.
Support advises taking a screenshot of the prior Tax Year Setting and the installment tab to use as reference in creating new record with an updated minimum tax amount.
For additional assistance please call tax support for the appropriate region.