Update the Minimum Tax Field in Tax Year Settings

Update the Minimum Tax Field in Tax Year Settings

Description of Issue

The minimum tax amount for a billing category, such as Motor Vehicle (MV) excise, has changed and users are unable to update the Tax Year Setting to reflect the new minimum amount.

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Tax Year Setting (txyrparm)

  • Real Estate Billing 

  • Personal Property Billing 

  • Motor Vehicle Excise

  • Boat Excise


Sometimes the minimum tax amount for a specific billing category changes and needs to be updated in the Tax Year Setting to reflect the new minimum amount.


Once bills are created for a Tax Year Setting, the minimum tax field cannot be updated. Tax Year Settings also cannot be deleted after bills are created for and associated with that Tax Year Settings.

Duplicating a Tax Year Setting copies the minimum amount from the Tax Year Setting being copied. 

If a Tax Year Setting has already been copied, but bills have not been created yet, delete the Tax Year Setting and add a new Tax Year Setting with the desired minimum tax amount instead of duplicating. 

If no Tax Year Setting has been copied, simply add a new Tax Year Setting with the desired minimum tax amount. 

Additional Information
  • Support advises taking a screenshot of the prior Tax Year Setting and the installment tab to use as reference in creating new record with an updated minimum tax amount. 

  • For additional assistance please call tax support for the appropriate region.