1099 Import example

1099 Import example

Description of Issue

Example import file for 1099s


Accounts Payable



New to functionality


Vendor is currently within Munis with FID
47-3218699,,2022,N,Department code (optional),887.50,,,,,,

Vendor is currently within Munis with SSN
,85-69-8547,2022,N,Department code (optional),785.36,,,,,,

Vendor is currently NOT within Munis with FID
47-3218699,,2022,N,Department code (optional),887.50,Example Vendor Name,123 TYLER LANE,,FALMOUTH,ME,04105

Vendor is currently NOT within Munis with SSN
,85-69-8547,2022,N,Department code (optional),785.36,Example Vendor Name,123 TYLER LANE,,FALMOUTH,ME,04105

Additional Information

1099 Import should be utilized for any payments made to a Vendor outside of Munis. If the Vendor does not have an Accounts Payable Invoice within Munis, the amounts will need to be imported.