When adding a calc code 93 pay into Employee Job Salary the hourly rate is showing 0

Description of Issue
  • When adding an additional pay type into Employee Job/Salary (Calc Code 93) when I click Accept, the hourly rates shows zero (0.00).

  • When adding a calc code 93 pay type the hourly rate is only displaying for employees with a certain base pay type.

  • Payroll

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Pay Master


Pay Types were missing in the Assigned Pays Folder in Pay Master for the Calc Code 93 pay type.  


Any pay type that needs to be included in the Calc Code 93 calculation need to be included in the Assign Pays Folder in Pay Master in order to calculate when added to Employee Job/Salary. 

  1. Go to Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)

  2. Search for the Pay Code. Click Accept. 

  3. Click Update. Click the Assigned Pays icon (bullet list) to the right of the Calc Code Field. 

  4. Click Update. Add any pay codes that need to be included in the calc code 93 calculation. Click Accept. 

  5. Click Return. Click Accept. 

Additional Information
  • Use calculation code 93 to pay an employee a percentage of the recurring base pay (the base pay amount plus all add-to-base pays), plus the sum of a list of defined pays. You can use this code to include pays that are not defined as add-to-base. For example, you can add the base hourly rate and a shift differential together, then apply a factor to calculate a night overtime pay. You will need to specify which pay codes contribute to the pay sum used in the calculation from the Pay Master. Note: you cannot include any other pay types that use calculation code 93 in the list.

  • All pays that need to calculate with the calc code 93 for an employee need to be added into Employee job/Salary. (For Example, if an employee's base pay is 100, Longevity is 600 and 605 is a shift differential, all of these pays need to be in Employee Job/Salary in order for the calc code 93 pay to calculate correctly)