Link Inventory Item to Accounts Receivable Charge Code

Description of Issue

Inventory Integration with Accounts Receivable Misc. Cash Receipts

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Inventory Management



This functionality was the result of an enhancement request for a specific site and matches their requests/requirements. Summary of the enhancement is below.

  • Accounts Receivable and Inventory allows the association of Charge Codes with Inventory items

    • This relationship between a charge code and inventory item will be the means for Accounts Receivable to update the quantity in Inventory as payments flow from Tyler Cashiering to Accounts Receivable

  • Accounts Receivable communicates with Inventory for a quantity update at the time of payment from Tyler Cashiering

  • Inventory will not update the General Ledger for inventory updates initiated from Accounts Receivable

    • General Ledger updates will occur during posting of the Accounts Receivable receipts

  • Tyler Cashiering and related Accounts Receivable web services were updated so that Tyler Cashiering can submit the quantity entered by the cashier

  • Copying Charge Codes, initiate copy of inventory/warehouse codes as well

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