Remove or Forgive Negative Held Interest

Remove or Forgive Negative Held Interest

Description of Issue

A bill is showing negative held interest. The negative held interest needs to be removed, deleted, or forgiven. 

  • Accounts Receivable 
  • Property Tax Billing 
  • General Billing 
  • Community Development 
  • Utility Billing 
  • Forgive Interest (arfgvint) 

The amount of paid interest specified when a payment was created exceeded the amount of interest due as of the effective date of that payment. The overpayment of interest is accounted for as negative held interest. 


Negative held interest can be forgiven in the same way as positive held interest. To forgive negative held interest however, the Only forgive held interest option will need to be selected in the Forgive Interest program and the Unpaid interest range will need to be set to a negative value greater than the negative interest being forgiven. 

For full steps on how to forgive held interest, please see: How to forgive held interest

Additional Information

For additional assistance, please contact the appropriate support team based on the category of the bill or bills with negative held interest.