Employee Accumulator Import Error - Error encountered after processing uploaded file

Description of Issue

When processing an Import into Employee Accumulators for Yearly accumulator records in Munis 2021.7, we are getting an error. 

Munis (praccmnt)

Error encountered after processing uploaded file

Message="Invalid parameter values."

  • Payroll

  • Employee Accumulators

  • Import 


Skip First Line checkbox was not defined. 


The box needs to be clicked to show a checkmark if the import file contains headers or clicked to be blank if the file does not contain headers. 

  1. From Employee Accumulators (Payroll>Payroll Administration>Employee Accumulators)

  2. Click Import.

  3. Click Define.

  4. Select Template and choose applicable file by clicking the magnifying glass.

  5. The Skip First Line box will either need a checkmark if the import file contains headers or a blank box if it does not. 

    1. Click into the box to define either a checkmark or a blank box. 

  6. Click Accept and process the Import. 

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