Run a Detail Receivable by Date Report by Special Condition Codes

Description of Issue

Would like to run a Detail Receivables by Date report and utilize Special Conditions/Notes as a criterion for selection and reporting. 

  • Accounts Receivable 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • General Billing 

  • Detail Receivables by Date (arthrudt)

  • Special Conditions


Specific bills need to be included or excluded on the Detail Receivables by Date report based on special conditions. 

  1. Navigate to the Detail Receivables by Date program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Inquiries and Reports > Detail Receivables by Date 

  2. Enter all other selection criteria as desired.

  3. In the Special Conditions section, select either: 

    1. Exclude if in selected set to exclude bills with the selected special conditions from the report. 

    2. Include if in selected set to only include bills with the selected special conditions on the report.

  4. Click the blue Selected text next to the prior field. 

    1. Click Add. 

    2. Type the Special Condition Code or click the three dots next to the Code field to browse available special condition codes and make a selection. 

    3. Click Accept. 

    4. Repeat steps a-c for each desired special condition. 

  5. When all necessary special condition codes have been selected, click Back. 

  6. Finish defining and run the report as usual. Bills with the selected special condition codes should be included or excluded from the report based on the previously selected options. 

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact the appropriate support team based on the category of the bills being reported on.Â