Employee 1095 TCM Images are missing in ESS

Employee 1095 TCM Images are missing in ESS

Description of Issue

Printed Employee 1095s for created archived TCM Images that were showing in ESS but they are now gone, why would that be?

  • Affordable Care Act Report

  • Tyler Content Manager

  • Employee Self Service

  • Employee 1095-B/C


Unique ID has been broken between TCM with the Employee 1095 record.


Reprinting 1095s will archive new TCM images that will show in ESS. Prior images can be deleted using the TCM Full Client.

Additional Information

When printing 1095s that archive to TCM, they are associated to a Unique Id in the Employee 1095-B/C when the records are generated. If the records are recreated, either purging and re-importing, or rerunning the Generate 1095-B/C process, the records are recreated with new Unique Ids, and the prior TCM images are orphaned.

Please review the Master Article - Affordable Care Act Year End Reporting for all related topics.