NSFY - Actual memo header detail does not match

NSFY - Actual memo header detail does not match

Description of Issue

NSFY - Actual memo header detail does not match



Non Standard Fiscal Year 


MUNIS calculates amounts for NSFY for the entire fiscal year (account amounts), and for specific periods. It also adjusts amounts for period 0 for balance sheet accounts that carry, and for revenue/expenditure and estimated revenue/appropriations. 

The creation of SOY journals is generated to back up the actual balance of balance sheet accounts as it moves from one fiscal year to another.  The SOY journal amount is the sum of the transactions that were posted to period 0 through 13 for the prior standard fiscal year. These journals do not update the general ledger, they exist to show that the balance was brought forward to the new fiscal year in period 00.  The journals are created during the close of the standard fiscal year, providing a snapshot of what the ending balance was when the year end close process was run.

In the current version of Munis, the yearend close process can be done once per year for all fund types (standard year, multi-year and non-standard fiscal year funds).  Because of this, the amount of the SOY journal does not reflect the expected SOY balance for NSFY funds balance sheet accounts.  However, to account for that incorrect SOY journal amount, Munis uses a special NSFY process to correctly update the GL with the expected SOY balance for NSFY funds.  The NSFY process allows both Account Inquiry and Account Master to properly calculate and display the correct period 00 start of year balances for all NSFY accounts.


This is correct according to the functionality. There is no issue for NSFY Funds if the front screen Actual Memo amount doesn't not match the sum of the Journal detail.

Additional Information

EXAMPLE: NSFY Fund first period 10, Fiscal year starts 'before Standard FY, Budget posts after Start of Non-Standard FY

SFY                         NSFY

2018/10                2019/01               

2018/11                2019/02

2018/12                2019/03

Here we create a 2019/01 SOY BAL journal which includes SFY 2018/01 thru 2018/12, which equates to NSFY 2018/04 thru 2019/03. See below for a detailed explanation.

2019/01                2019/04

2019/02                2019/05

2019/03                2019/06

2019/04                2019/07

2019/05                2019/08

2019/06                2019/09

2019/07                2019/10               

2019/08                2019/11

2019/09                2019/12

  1. When MUNIS sums months for NSFY, we are including period 0, which includes SFY 2018/10 thru 2018/12, AND we are also including MasterBals/MasterBalHistories periods for SFY 2018/10 thru 2018/12.

  2. This means that SFY 2018/10 thru 2018/12 amounts are essentially being included twice. So, for the account totals, and for the period 0 monthly amount, we subtract out the journals for those periods once so they are only included in the total once.

  3. For the detail drilldown, journals for those three periods will be displayed, as well as the period 0 journal. We do NOT modify the amount of the period 0 journal for this display, so the total will NOT match the Account Inquiry account total.