YTD Budget Report - LY2 and LY3 Encumbrance are incorrect when excluding YEC Journals

Description of Issue

Excluding YEC Journals when running prior year period 13 does not match period 12 encumbrance totals


YTD Budget Report (Year to Date)

Year End Close Journal (YEC/13)


Amounts for LY2 and LY3 Encumbrances are incorrect when Exclude YEC Journals is selected


Work ticket MUN-370897 is currently open with Development to address this issue

Additional Information
  • This work ticket will most likely be corrected in a future version of Munis

  • Individual accounts can be checked in Account Master using Amounts option for Prior Year/Last Year encumbrance monthly amounts and totals

  • YEC/13 journal for Encumbrance and Budgetary Fund Balance - Res for Enc has amount listed that is not correctly displaying on the report

    • This represents all expense and revenue encumbrances although YTD budget report does not look at balance sheets it can be used to tie out correct amounts