Journal Import - Custom Template - Credits come in as Debit

Description of Issue

Why do amounts import as Debit when Credit is defined?

  • Journal Import (GNI, GCR, GEL, BUA)

  • Custom Template (Journal Import Template)

  • Signed Amounts


Signed Amounts is being used in Template instead of Gross for amounts column

  1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Import

  2. Custom Template

  3. Select needed template in question

  4. Browse to select needed import data file

  5. Ok

  6. Review defined header for column where amounts display if set to Signed Amounts it overrides Debit/Credit column.

  7. Update Signed Amounts to Gross to make system use Debit/Credit column moving forward

  8. Save

  9. Test importing and prove issue is resolved

  10. Contact Munis Financial General Ledger Support if any issues remain

Additional Information
  • Signed Amounts:

    • Positive Amounts = Debit

    • Negative Amount = Credit