Cannot update detail for Budget Amendment

Cannot update detail for Budget Amendment

Description of Issue

Cannot update a Budget Amendment/Transfer proof transaction detail line

Error: You do not have privileges to add a detail record.

  • Budget Transfers And Amendments

  • Accounting Entries

  • Security

  • Roles & Permission


These General Ledger permissions are required for the user to be able to update any journals, including Budgetary journals such as Budget Transfers/Amendments.


To grant the user this permission, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  2. Click Search, and enter the User's ID

  3. Accept and this will bring up the user's Roles

  4. Highlight which Role that you would like to edit, and then click Edit Roles

  5. Click on the General Ledger section

  6. Update

  7. Select Updating own journal entries or Update others' journal entries as needed 

  8. Once you check the proper permission, click Accept

  9. Have the user close and reopen Budget Transfers and Amendments for the permission to take effect

Additional Information