Multiyear life column transfer in transfer out header and detail do not match

Description of Issue

Multiyear fund that budgets for life transfer in transfer out in Account inquiry header and detail amounts don't match

  • Account Inquiry

  • Multiyear 

  • Life

  • CFWD Budget

  • Carryforward 

  • Transfer in

  • Transfer out


Carryforward budget amendments exist

The fund was changed from a Standard Annual fund to a Multiyear fund that does not budget annually

  • Multiyear funds that do not budget annually are not intended to have carryforward budget amendments. For this reason any carryforward budget amendment amount on these accounts will not show in the Transfer in/Transfer out of the Life column

  • If there is a possibility that the fund was changed from a Standard Annual Fund to a Multiyear fund that does not budget for life please contact MUNIS Support for assistance

Additional Information