How to add a General Billing Late Fee

How to add a General Billing Late Fee

Description of Issue

Adding a General Billing Late fee


Assess Late Fees




General Revenues > General Billing > Collection Processing > Assess Late Fees 

  1. Click Define.

  2. Complete the fields, as required, using the following table as a guide.

  3. Click Accept to save the information. 

  4. Click Flag Bills.

  5. Clear the check boxes for any invoices to exclude from the assessment; select the check boxes for the invoices to include in the assessment. Use the Set All and Clear All buttons to select or clear all the check boxes at once.

  6. Click Accept.

  7. Click an output option on the toolbar to display, print, or save a report of the late fees to be applied.

  8. Review the report to confirm that the fees being applied are correct. If the fees are correct, click Process on the Assess Late Fees screen.

  9. The program applies the fees and displays a message allowing you to reissue the bills. 

  10. Click Yes to reprint bills with the fees applied; click No to reprint bills at another time. If you click Yes, the Print Invoices program opens, allowing you to print the invoices; if you click No, you can reprint the bills using the Reissue Bills button on the Assess Late Fees screen.

  11. If you clicked Yes to display the Print Invoices program to print invoices, use the Print Invoices program to complete the process. 

The specified late fee has been applied to all invoices as indicated in the report, increasing the total amount due on the invoice by the amount of the late fee. 
If the Activity of the Late Fee Charge Code is FEE, no journal entries are made as FEE charge codes do not create receivables. If the Activity is PRIN, journal entries are made as PRIN charge codes do create receivables.

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