How to Prevent or Hide a Property, Customer, Parcel, or Bill From Showing in CSS

Description of Issue

A property, customer, parcel, or bill needs to be hidden from CSS. 

  • Munis 2019.1+
  • CSS 
  • Customer Self Service 
  • Property Tax
  • General Billing 
  • Utility Billing 

The information is sensitive or online payments are not allowed for the customer, parcel, or bill. 


A special condition code will need to be established with the box for Enable viewing in CSS unchecked. If a code with this attribute is not setup, please follow the steps below to create one. 

  1. Navigate to the Special Condition Codes program by searching or via the following path: Munis > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Special Condition Codes.
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter the desired Code, Description, and Comment. 
  4. Choose a Severity from the dropdown menu. (Note: Severity is informational.) 
  5. Highlight Hide This Entity in CSS only from the Available Attributes. 
  6. Click the Right Facing Arrow in the middle of the screen to move the attribute from the Available Attributes to the Selected Attributes. 
  7. Click Accept
  8. This code will need to be added to any property, customer, parcel, or bill that should be hidden from CSS. Follow this guide to add the code to the necessary record: How to Add a Special Condition Code or Note to a Property, Customer, Parcel, Bill, or Utility Billing Account
Additional Information

If further assistance is required with this process, please contact Tax Support.Â