DIA Condition - Duplicate Detail Lines

DIA Condition - Duplicate Detail Lines

Description of Issue

I am getting error under Payroll Coded Allocation Details on the DIA.  The error is Duplicate Detail Lines.

  • Munis

  • Payroll

  • DIA - Data Integrity Assistant 


Table Information:

The Payroll Coded Allocation Details table stores account breakdown by percentage for coded allocations.

Data Condition Information:

These records have multiple allocation lines where the only distinguishing factor is the pay type. This is no longer supported and needs to be updated to have some other distinguishing characteristic (different accounts, Locations, etc). Choose "view" to review and resolve the issue. 



The following changes will be made, in order, when selecting the 'Auto-Correct' option for this data condition:

  1. The Pay Type will be cleared out and similar lines will be combined.

Note that all changes made by the 'Auto-Correct' option will still need to be applied to the system using the 'Apply' option.

Additional Information