Salary and Benefit Projections - Benefit Calculate Recalc showing all 0.00 on Proof

Description of Issue

When I process the Benefit Calculate in my projection, almost all the amounts are 0.00

  • Munis

  • Projection Start and Status

  • Projection Employee Deductions

  • Projection Employee Job/Salary

  • Benefit Calculate

  • No adjustments had been made to the employees yet so there was nothing for the Recalc option to Recalculate.

  • A report was needed showing what initially pulled into the annual amounts for the benefits. 

  1. Go to Projection Start and Status. (Payroll>Salary and Benefit Projections>Projection Start and Status. Search for projection. Click Accept. Click Change in the toolbar.)

  2. Click the Benefit Projection Processing Tab. 

  3. Click Benefit Calculate.

  4. Select Yes to Active Projection prompt. Click Define in the toolbar. 

  5. Click Accept. Click PDF or Display output option.

    1. This will provide the current annual amounts that were populated for the benefits based on the reference salary amounts created in Employee Job/Salary.

Additional Information

The Recalc option in Benefit Calculate is used after adjustments (raises, etc) have been applied to the employees.Â