Change main or overflow tray selection - Enterprise Forms

Description of Issue

Form needs to be printing from a different tray than it currently is.

Set overflow to print from a different tray.

  • ReadyForms

  • RF

  • Enteprise Forms

  • EF

  • Munis

  • Tray

  • Print to a different tray

  • Printer

  • Overflow page


Tray selection on the template needs to be updated.

  1. Open the Tyler Menu.

  2. Navigate to ReadyForms Administration.

  3. Open the template that needs to be updated.

  4. Navigate to Configuration Options tab.

  5. Expand Advanced Output section:

    1. Click on Main Tray and select the desired tray for the form to print from.

    2. Click on Overflow Tray and select the desired tray for the additional pages to print from.

  6. Click Save.

Additional Information

Please review the Master Article - ReadyForms for all related topics.