Create ODBC connection for SaaS clients

Create ODBC connection for SaaS clients

Description of Issue

User needs ODBC connection created after Enterprise ERP (Munis) upgrade or new user added to run reports.

  • Crystal reports

  • ODBC

  • Enterprise ERP database

  • Munis any version

  • SaaS clients


User needs ODBC connection created to use Crystal reports


To create an ODBC connection, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Windows icon in taskbar and type ODBC in the search box.

  2. From the results, click on ODBC Data Sources(32-bit) to open ODBC Data Source Administrator (32-bit) window.

  3. Select User DSN tab and click on Add.

  4. In the popup window, select SQL Server at the end and click Finish

  5. In the Name text field, type a name for this connection.

  6. Description field is optional and can be left blank.

  7. In the Server text field, type the server name.

    • Please contact your IT department to obtain the EERP (Munis) database server name. 

  8. Click Next >

  9. Select the following check boxes and click Next

    • With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user

    • Connect to SQL Server to obtain default settings for the additional configuration options 

  10. Select the first check box to choose your production database name from the dropdown 

    • Database name is usually munXXXXprod where XXXX is the first 4 digits of reporting account.

  11. Click Next >.

  12. Click Finish.

  13. In the popup window Click on Test Data Source button in the bottom.

  14.  Click Ok.

A new connection will be added to the list in User Data Sources section. 

Additional Information

In Step-10, if production database is not listed in dropdown, please reach out to Tyler Reporting Services Support as the default database needs to be changed for reporting account on SQL Server.

User must have a valid Reporting account (ie. XXXXflast) on the database server prior to the connection.