Unable to open find cursor 6372 error in Next Year Budget Entry - Active sort order is different than Fund Org Obj or Proj

Description of Issue

End users getting error: 'Munis (bgdeptrq) Unable to open find_cursor: -6372: (Microsoft)(SQL Server Native Client 11.0)(SQL Server)(Invalid column name 'SegmentCodeX'.


Next Year Budget Entry


Active sort order is different than Fund, Org, Obj or Proj


Work ticket MUN-348481 is open with Development to address this issue. In the meantime, users can still sort by Fund, Org, Object, and Project. 

  1. In Next Year Budget Entry, enter projection number to search for and hit Accept.

  2. Click Sort By Segment

  3. Enter Active set sort order, making sure to only use the following segments: Fund, Org, Object, Project

  4. Hit Accept

  5. Continue with account find criteria and hit Accept

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