MarkPurgableDocuments failure messages in TCM Message Manager

MarkPurgableDocuments failure messages in TCM Message Manager

Description of Issue

In the message manager in the TCM Full Client, repeating failed messages in the message manager are appearing stating:

Job monitor.system.cm.MarkPurgableDocuments: Start Mark Purgable Documents on failed on Munis-TCM, query failed, reading table=Job, column-JobObject, row info: (JobId: system.cm.MarkPurgableDocuments...

  • Tyler Content Manager
  • TCM

In previous TCM Versions, the MarkPurgableDocuments job was created with a typo and has since been replaced with MarkPurgeableDocuments. When the new job was created, the old one was not deleted.


Delete the misspelled job in the TCM Full Client:

  1. Login to the TCM Full Client. If assistance is needed with this, please refer to How to Access and Launch the CM Full Client.
  2. Click on the Job Manager in the command ribbon (ie, the clock).
  3. Locate and click once on the MarkPurgableDocuments job.
  4. Click the Delete icon (this sets the job to run never).
  5. Click the Delete icon a second time to completely delete the job from the manager.
  6. Switch to the Message Manager (ie, the flag in the command ribbon) and delete any messages related to MarkPurga.
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