How to Mass Remove Fees
A fee was added to a large amount of bills and needs to removed.
Tax Billing
Demand Fees
Remove Fees
Fees were added to bills either in error or with incorrect data and need to be removed.
Navigate to Over-Short Adjustment Process either by searching or using the following path: Munis > Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Over-Short Adjustment Process.
A warning message will display advising Payment Redistribution be run, click OK.
Click Add to add a batch.
Enter all desired batch information including: Effective Date, GL Effective Date, and GL Year/Period.
Click Accept
Click Define
Enter the Year, AR Category, and MV Cycle if applicable.
In the Write-off bill balances between fields, enter a range of -$1.00 to $999,999.99.
Click the three dots next to Only write off charge.
Choose the charge code from the menu for the fee that needs to be removed.
Make sure to Check the box for Write-off entire charge.
Click Accept
Click Select, the number of records should match the number of bills fees were applied to.
Click Maintain WO in the top ribbon to see which charges and amounts will be written off. The amount written off should equal the fee amount multiplied by the number of effected records.
Click Process
Choose the output options for the report and click OK.
A message appears: Write-off the selected bills? Click Yes.
A message appears: Write-off complete. Click OK.
Click Back
In the top ribbon, click Post Batch.
Choose the output options for the report and click OK.
If there are any questions during the process, please contact the Munis Tax Support team.