How to run Vendor Fiscal Year Summary Report for 1099 amounts

Description of Issue

How to run Vendor Fiscal Year Summary Report for 1099 amounts

  • Munis

  • Accounts Payable 

  • 1099


New to functionality 


Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Inquiry and Reports > Vendor Fiscal Year Summary

  1. Click Search

  2. Click Yes for the option 1099 Vendors Only

  3. Click Accept

  4. Enter the 1099 Year being reported under the Fiscal Year field

  5. Enter 01/01/20XX to 12/31/20XX (XX = ending year digits which 1099s are being reported for) in the Fiscal Year Date Range field

  6. Select the option Display 1099 box code information on report

  7. Click Accept

  8. Output Report

Additional Information

This report is not specific to 1099 reporting. This report can be run multiple ways (with/without a minimum amount, 1099 vendor only set to Yes or No). It's advised to run multiple ways to make sure all Vendors are pulling in correctly.Â