Work Order Central does not return correct find set when data access permissions are split between full and limited

Description of Issue

When Work Orders data access permissions are split between full and limited, Work Order Central does not return the correct find set of work orders

  • Enterprise Asset Management

  • EAM




Install the appropriate work ticket for your version:

  • 2019.1.22.2610 - MUN-453168

  • 2021.4.0.1726 - MUN-455541

  • 2021.5.0.1286 - MUN-455542

  • 2021.6.0.1358 - MUN-459517

  • 2021.7.0.560 - MUN-455544

  • 2021.8.0.203 - MUN-455545

Workaround:  Work Order Management and Field Work show the correct results based on user permissions

Additional Information