FL Retirement Report is not including all employees
Employee missing
No Period Record Generated for some employees
FL Retirement Report
FL Retirement Maintenance
No Maintenance record for the deduction processed through payroll
If the employee has an existing FL Retirement Maintenance record, but the deduction code is wrong, use the Update option to correct it.
If the employee needs a new/separate FL Retirement Maintenance record for this specific deduction code, use the Add option to create one.
To move forward, either re-Generate after the FL Retirement Maintenance changes are in place, or manually create missing Period Records.
Reportable members must have a record in the FL Retirement Maintenance program. This program looks at the records here, which are Employees and their specific Munis Deduction Code tied to their Retirement/Pension and FRS Investment deduction(s). Members may have more than one FL Retirement Maintenance record; a separate Maintenance record must exist for each Retirement/Pension and FRS Investment deduction that has to be reported.