CA MCERA fails to Generate records for one Warrant unless Location range is restricted

Description of Issue

The CA MCERA Active Payroll Report Program fails to generate records for our last pay period of the year.  Able to Generate records if a specific Location range is entered. 

  • Payroll

  • California

  • CA MCERA Active Payroll Report


Not all Job Class codes have a Crosswalk Value for Crosswalk Types MCESTATHRS – MCERA Employment Status Hours and MCPTMAXHRS – MCERA PT Maximum Allowance Hours. 

When the Generate encounters an employee with an unmapped Job Class it is unable to continue.


Open the State Reporting Codes Crosswalk program to review the MCESTATHRS – MCERA Employment Status Hours and MCPTMAXHRS – MCERA PT Maximum Allowance Hours Crosswalk Types. 

The recommendation is to click the Crosswalk Code column header to sort the data, allowing you to easily identify blank values.  Use Update to enter a value for all lines with a blank Crosswalk Code value.

Additional Information

Setup and Processing documentation: CA MCERA Active Payroll Report