Copy or Duplicate a Tax Year Setting

Copy or Duplicate a Tax Year Setting

Description of Issue

A tax year setting needs to be copied or duplicated to a new commitment, cycle, or year. 

  • Property Tax 

  • Tax Year Settings (txyrparm) 


A new tax year, commitment, or cycle is starting. 

  1. Navigate to the Tax Year Settings program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Setup > Tax Year Settings

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter the most recent year tax bills were created for the category. 

  4. Enter the category that should be copied. 

  5. Confirm that the settings are correct. (Refer to the Help menu for field descriptions which can be be accessed by clicking the question mark in the upper right hand corner and then Help). 

  6. Click Accept. 

  7. Click Copy in the top ribbon. 

  8. On the resulting screen, click Define

  9. Enter the Year, Category, and Cycle to copy the settings from. 

  10. Enter the Year, Category, and Cycle that should be created. 

  11. Update the billing dates if desired. 

  12. Click Accept

  13. Click Process

  14. A message appears, Tax year settings copied successfully. 

  15. Click OK

Additional Information