General Journal Entry FORMS statement error when outputting to PDF

Description of Issue

After clicking PDF in General Journal Entry an error shows and the program closes out:

Program stopped at glcjeent_prints.4gl, line number 2363. 

FORMS statement error number -8087.

File error in BYTE or TEXT readFile or writeFile.


General Journal Entry


The user does not have permission to output to PDF.


The user does not have permission to output to PDF.  This can be added in User Attributes under the System module by selecting Output to PDF.

System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  1. Search

  2. Enter User ID

  3. Accept

  4. Select Role specific to the user that grants access to System Administration

  5. Click Edit Role

  6. Select Munis System folder

  7. Click Update the current data record

  8. Select Output to PDF

  9. Click Accept  

  10. Have user test exporting to PDF

Additional Information