Journal reversal change period is not creating the journals properly

Description of Issue

We used journal reversal change period and the effective dates is wrong on the modification journal

  • General Ledger

  • Reverse journal

  • Change period

  • Journal reversal



Contact MUNIS General Ledger Support

Work ticket MUN-437469 has been created to address the issue

Additional Information

If the site has experienced the issue please contact MUNIS General Ledger Support for assistance and correcting the existing issue.

If the site has not used Change period but needs to use that process:

Work around, instead of using Change Period 

  1. Reverse the original journal

    1. MUNIS > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry / History > Journal Reversal

How to reverse a posted GEN journal

       2. Copy journal and post to the correct period (GEN, GCR, GNI and FAN journals can be copied any other Journal source type the corrective              journal will need to be manually entered into General    Journal Entry Proof or for larger journals can use the Export Journal/Import                      Journal functionality

    1. MUNIS > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry / History > Journal Entry / Proof

How to copy a posted Journal in Munis