Payment Reversals GL Allocation missing for reversed Miscellaneous Receipts until Approved through Workflow

Description of Issue

When using RVA workflow, reversed Miscellaneous Receipts do not show a GL Allocation in either the Receipt Inquiry or Payment Reversals program

  • Receipt Inquiry does not show a GL Allocation tab for unposted Reversals when using workflow

  • When viewing a Misc. Receipt in the Payment Reversals programs View button, GL Allocation is missing 

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Payment Reversals

  • Workflow


When RVA Business Rule is enabled for Workflow, Receipt GL Allocation information is not created until the Reversal Batch has been approved through workflow


Development is currently researching the issue. Install MUN-437215 once available

Workaround is to approve the Reversal Batch through Workflow. Once the batch is approved, the GL Allocation can be viewed in Receipt Inquiry

Additional Information