Alternate views for pr_audit_history in Munis 2018.1 and later versions

Description of Issue

Client wants detail payroll audit data by employee number.

  • Munis 2018.1 and later versions

  • SSRS reports

  • Crystal reports

  • SaaS, Tyler-hosted clients

  • OnPrem, Self-hosted clients

  • Payroll Audit


In Munis 2018.1 and later versions, payroll audit synchronization option is no longer available, as a result pr_audit_history may no longer be used to retrieve payroll audit data. 


A new view pr_audit_data is available, however it does not include columns a_employee_number, pa_new_record that are available in pr_audit_history.

The following SQL statement is an example to retrieve employee number from pr_audit_data:

SELECT CAST(substring(hh_record,7,11) as int) AS empno FROM pr_audit_data

Please note that the pr_audit_data view typically contains many records and may take long time to run.

Additional Information

Another option is to use detail views from PayrollAuditReportingServices schema. Following is an example SQL Statement:

select distinct

[Type] as pa_action,

null as pa_addl_code, Null as pa_code,

[Date] as pa_change_date,

prem_emp as a_employee_number, case

when  [Type]='A' then 'RECORD ADDED'

when   [Type]='D' then 'RECORD DELETED'

when [Type]='T' then 'MOVE TO TERMINA'

else [Field]

end as pa_field_changed,

'prempmst' as pa_file,

null as pa_filler,

NewValue as pa_new_record ,

OldValue as pa_old_record ,

prem_proj as a_projection ,

[User] as pa_changed_by 

from [PayrollAuditReportingServices].[prempmstAuditDetail] 


select distinct [Type] as pa_action ,

null  as pa_addl_code,

prad_addnum   as pa_code,

[Date] as pa_change_date,  

prad_emp as a_employee_number,


when  [Type]='A' then 'RECORD ADDED'

when   [Field]='prad_addr1' then 'Address Line 1'

when   [Field]='prad_addr2' then 'Address Line 2'

when   [Field]='prad_city' then 'City'

when   [Field]='prad_state' then 'State'

when   [Field]='prad_zip' then 'Zip' else [Field]

end as pa_field_changed,  

'praddrss' as pa_file, null as pa_filler,

NewValue as pa_new_record,

OldValue as pa_old_record,

prad_proj as a_projection,

[User] as pa_changed_by
