How to update Munis and TCM with 1099-NEC doc type

Description of Issue

Some sites had not had an opportunity to add the new 1099-NEC doc type. When they go to run those during tax season, the get errors such as: Method putDocuments2 throws: tyler.empire.document.DocumentException: The document type 1099N was not found in the system.

  • TCM
  • Tyler Content Management
  • Munis
  • 1099-NEC
  • Tax
  • Year End

The 1099-NEC was not added to Munis or TCM when it was first issued a few years back.


As the System Administrator, please follow these steps to install the doc type:

  1. Login to Tyler Deploy and find your site.
  2. In the Environments and Releases box, look for Munis ERP. Click on the Munis version.
  3. Select the affected environment form the drop-down.
  4. Click on the Tasks tab.
  5. Select Update DocTypes from the drop-down.
  6. Click Run.

Here is how to verify that 1099-NEC doc type was added:

  1. Log into Munis.
  2. Open Tyler Menu.
  3. Click on System Administration > General Administration > TylerCM for Munis Settings.
  4. Click on Master Password on the top ribbon.
  5. Enter password for the tcmadmin user, found in site report. 
  6. Click on Rebuild TCM Caches.
  7. Log into the TCM Full Client as an admin user. If you are not sure how to access the TCM Full Client, please refer to How to Access and Launch the TCM Full Client.
  8. Click on System Status (the Stoplight at the top of app).
  9. On the right hand side click on Clear Cache.
  10. Below that click on Initialize Services.
  11. Go to the Servers tab, and click the Refresh button (two circular green arrows) until the date in Initialization Status matches the time you clicked Initialize Services.
  12. Click on Documents.
  13. Click on Document Search.
  14. Click on Filter.
  15. Under Accounts Payable, look for the doc type 1099-NEC.
  16. If it appears here then it was successfully installed to TCM.
  17. Go back to Munis.
  18. Go to the Vendors program.
  19. Bring up a record and look at the document mappings. If 1099-N appears with a number count then it successfully updated the mappings as well.
  20. If either of these do not look like the doc type was added, please reach out to TCM support.
Additional Information