Receipt Inquiry TCM Mapping for Tyler Cashiering Check Image requires Tender Id

Description of Issue
  • Tender Id is a required TCM mapping field for the Document Type Tyler Cashiering Check Image, but there is no available Munis field to map it to.

  • No longer able to open TCM for Tyler Cashiering Check Images for migrated 11.3 receipts

  • Unable to see Tyler Cashiering receipt images in TCM after migration to Munis 2019.1 or above

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Receipt Inquiry

  • Tyler Cashiering

  • TCM


Tender Id is a required TCM field for mapping but Tender Id is not an available Munis field from the list

Munis Fields Check number and Paid by Reference are no longer available in 2019.1 and higher


In 11.3, the Tyler Cashiering Check Image Document Type should be setup as the following:

  • TCM Field Check Number pointing to the Munis Description Check number and Munis Name arhsthpm.arhm_ref_no

  • TCM Field Paid By pointing to the Munis Description Paid by reference and Munis Name arhsthdr.arhh_refer

In 2019.1 and higher:

  • The Munis Description Check number and Paid by reference are no longer available. For this reason, migrated receipts from 11.3 may no longer open in TCM for Tyler Cashiering Check Images. Development is currently researching the issue. No current workaround at this time.

  • TCM Field Tender Id has been added as a required field. However, their currently is no Munis field associated with this and therefore cannot be used yet. Development is currently researching the issue. No current workaround at this time.

  • New Receipts created in 2019.1 and higher are not affected and should open in TCM for Tyler Cashiering Check Images.

  • No Current workaround. Contact Munis Revenue Support if experiencing issues

Additional Information