Prior year amount did not zero out on control accounts

Description of Issue

We created some prior year Budget adjustments and an AJE was not created for one BUA

Prior year expenditure control did not zero out properly

  • Prior year

  • Budget Transfer and Amendments

  • Budgetary Control accounts

  • Budgetary Control

  • Appropriation

  • Estimated Revenue 

  • Adjusting Journal

  • Expense control

  • Revenue control


Standard Annual Funds during year end close

  • Expenditure and Revenue control accounts should zero out to the Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated control account

  • Appropriation and Estimated Revenue control accounts should zero out to the Budgetary Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated control account

  • The only way to correct the issue is to manually create a General Journal Entry

  • Please refresh the Training database and follow the steps below

  • Verify the updates corrected the issue in Training or Test than make the same updates in live

  • Contact General ledger Support for additional assistance if needed

For Standard Annual Funds:

Standard Annual Fund

  1. MUNIS > Financials > General ledger menu > Setup chart of accounts > Chart of account segments

    1.  Click Accept

    2.  Find the fund in question and highlight it

    3.  Review the Fund set up to verify that it is a Standard Annual Fund

2. MUNIS > Financials > General ledger menu > Setup chart of accounts > Account Master

If issue is Appropriation or Estimated Revenue control -obtain the Appropriation, Estimated Revenue and Budgetary Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated control account numbers

If issue is Expenditure or Revenue control - obtain the Expenditure, Revenue and Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated control account numbers

    1. Click Search

    2. Type in the Fund number

    3. In the Control account drop down box, select the 3 affected account

    4. Click Accept

    5. Note the account numbers (leave this window open, it will be needed again in Step 5)

3. MUNIS > Financials > Account Inquiry

    1. Click Search

    2. Type in the Org, Obj, Project or Full Account for the affected accounts

    3. Click Accept

    4. Review the Prior year Header (front screen amount) . Compare the front screen Actual amount to the total in the detail just to make sure they are the same

    5. Make note of the amount, this is the amount that will need to be offset in the manually entered Journal to zero out the prior year

4. MUNIS > Financials > General ledger menu > Setup chart of accounts > Account Master

    1. Click Update for the affected accounts (Appropriation, Estimated Revenue, Expenditure or Revenue control)

    2. On the bottom right side change the Closing Balance from Zero to Carryforward

    3. Click Save

5. MUNIS > Financials > General ledger menu > Journal Entry History > General Journal Entry Proof

    1.  Click Add

    2.  Enter the Journal so that the Lines Net the prior year (Appropriation, Estimated Revenue, Expenditure, or Revenue control) amounts to zero. The third line of the Journal should be to either the Budgetary Fund Balance to offset Appropriation and Estimated Revenue control or for the Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated control for the Expense and Revenue control account, the journal will be in balance.

    3. Or if the Journal is one sided, zero out either the Appropriation, Estimated Revenue, Expenditure or Revenue control than the second line of the Journal would be the offset to the Budgetary Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated control account for Appropriation and Estimated Revenue or Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated control for Expenditure and Revenue control, again making the Journal balanced.

    4. Click Accept

    5. Approve and Output Post when ready

NOTE: After posting the Journal a second Journal will be needed to zero out the amount that carried forward to the current year period 0 on the Appropriation, Estimated Revenue, Expenditure or Revenue control account. It will only be made to the Appropriation, Estimated Revenue, Expenditure or Revenue control account to zero out the amount that was brought forward from the first journal. (the Budgetary Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated amount and Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated amounts should have carried forward)

6. MUNIS > Financials > General ledger menu > Setup chart of accounts > Account Master

    1. Click Update for the affected account Appropriation and Estimated Revenue control accounts or Expenditure and Revenue Control

    2. Change the Closing Balance from Carryforward to Zero (the appropriate reference account Org, Obj, Project or Full Account number will need to be added as well)

    3. Click Save

7. Review the Fund balance unreserved undesignated control account and/or the Budgetary fund balance unreserved undesignated control account and make any necessary journals to post to this account and carryforward the amounts appropriately.

8. Run reports including the Table validation report, verify that everything is now in balance. Once verified follow the same steps in live.

Additional Information

Reason that an AJE Adjusting journal would not be created when a prior year BUA is posted

1. Journal is posted to a Multiyear Life Fund, these funds carryforward the amounts and would not create an AJE
2. If the Total Budget Debits = Total Budget Credits per Expense or Revenue account. If the Debits/Credits amount ties out per account type there is no need to create an AJE.

See also Prior year period 13 general journal GEN is not generating the adjusting journal AJE