Did federal taxable gross wages calculate for an employee in the payroll

Description of Issue

Processed a manual check for an employee and not sure taxable gross wages are in the payroll

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll Processing

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Deduction Gross



There are a couple of ways to determine this.

  1. Can review the Detail and/or Final Proof Report for payroll.  The FIT wages will show for the employee on the report.

  2. Can review the Deduction Gross in the deduction detail in the payroll.  The Deduction Gross amount is the taxable gross wages.

    1. Access Earnings and Deductions (Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > Search for the warrant > click Change > click Earnings and Deductions)

    2. Search for the employee

    3. Click the Withholding tab

    4. DOUBLE-CLICK on the deduction line.  This opens the Payroll Deductions Detail screen and can review the Deduction Gross amount.

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