Payroll Journal PRJ - Employee and Payroll check info

Description of Issue

How to tell what Payroll checks are tied to PRJ journal?

  • Account Inquiry

  • Journal Inquiry/Print

  • Payroll Journal (PRJ)


Site needs to reconcile payroll employee and or check data tied to posted PRJ journal on GL

  • To view Payroll Check Info for employee/vendor, name, check number, warrant, run, code, and amount:

    1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Inquiry and Reports > Account Inquiry

    2. Search

    3. Enter record select criteria for needed account using Org, Object, Project, segment find or long account values

    4. Accept

    5. Select Actuals yellow folder for needed fiscal year record

    6. Select and highlight needed PRJ year, period, journal number detail line

    7. Detail

    8. Yes, Continue on the Confirm Record Set prompt

    9. Browse Payroll Check Info as needed

  • To view Payroll Journal Entry Detail for job, type, employee name, hours, amount and claim number:

    1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu >Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print

    2. Search

    3. Enter journal year, period, journal number to locate needed PRJ record

    4. Enter

    5. Select and highlight needed GL Account PRJ detail line

    6. Detail to display specific journal line detail record

    7. Detail to display Payroll Journal Entry Detail screen

Additional Information

Account Inquiry and Journal Inquiry/Print both have quick link options to quickly navigate to the other program as needed