Tyler Forms Printer Field Blank

Description of Issue

 !TF printer definition is selected but the printer field is blank or grayed out

  • Tyler Forms

  • Printer Definitions

  • System Administration

  • Job Codes

  • DocOrigin


The specific job that was selected does not have a default printer 

  1. In Munis, use the Tyler Menu to navigate to System Administration > Printer / Device Administration > Tyler Forms Integration Configuration

  2. At the bottom of the page, click on button Job Codes

  3. In Job Codes, click Browse near the top of the page

  4. Double-click the desired job code you would like to set a default printer for

    1. example Job Code: W2

  5. Click Update

  6. Under options, select the desired default printer

    1. i,e finance01

  7. Click Accept on the top left of the window

Additional Information

How to enable users to change the form printer may also be an applicable resolution.Â