Miscellaneous Receipt Attachments Missing After Munis Upgrade to 2019
We recently upgraded to 2019+ and can no longer find generic miscellaneous receipt attachments in Munis.
Munis 2019.1+
Generic Attachments
Accounts Receivable
Miscellaneous Receipts
Tyler Content Manager
Munis Upgrade
Munis code was changed between 11.3 and 2019 to populate the bill number field with the receipt number for miscellaneous receipts (ARReceipt document types in TCM) and left the bill number zeroed out in the Munis sppattach table (generic attachments).
If OnPremise: Reach out to TSM OnPrem Support for assistance.
If Hosted (SaaS): Reach out to TSM Saas Support for assistance
This will rebuild the spattach key on Year, BillNumber, PostRewriteCategory, and ReceiptNumber by joining to Receipts table on Year and ReceiptNumber for all spattach records that have a cat containing 00000000 as the BillNumber and 002 as the Category.