Unable to Check Box to Abate Entire Bill or Adjust Off Fees in Abatement Entry

Description of Issue

Unable to check the box to either Abate entire bill or Adjust off fees in Abatement Entry. 

  • Abatement Entry 
  • Abate entire bill 
  • Adjust off fees
  • Exemption Codes

The reason code being used is not set up to allow the bill to exceed the max percentage. 


If it is desired that bills should be allowed to be abated in full when using the chosen code, then the following steps should be taken to modify the code. Otherwise, a different code should be created or used. To create a new abatement reason code, please follow the steps here: Add a New Abatement Reason Code

  1. To change the abatement reason code to allow a bill to be abated in full, navigate to the Exemption Codes program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Setup > Exemption Codes
  2. Click Search.
  3. Enter the exemption code that needs to be changed. 
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Click Update. 
  6. Check the box to Allow exemption to exceed the max percentage.
  7. Click Accept. 

The boxes to Abate entire bill and Adjust off fees will now be available when using this abatement reason code. Abatement Entry will need to be opened fresh from the menu for these changes to take affect. 

Additional Information
  • If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support. 
  • For additional information regarding abatements, please see: Master Article - Abatements