Payroll Split is not pulling into Bank Reconciliation Classic

Payroll Split is not pulling into Bank Reconciliation Classic

Description of Issue

Payroll is split for an employee (employee receives paper check and a direct deposit) and part of the payment is not pulling into Bank Reconciliation 


Bank Reconciliation Classic


Direct Deposit portion of the net pay does not create a check record (does not exist in Manual Check Reconciliation)


If using Bank Reconciliation Classic, the following steps can be completed to pull in the direct deposit amount:

Go to Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > General Journal Entry/Proof

  1. Enter and Post a General Journal (GEN) into the period which the payroll was posted for the amount of the direct deposit that is missing (Expense Account and Cash Account)

    1. Reference 3 will display in Bank Reconciliation so it can be used to store an employee number or check information

  2. Enter and Post a General Journal (GEN) into the same period to reverse the original GEN (flip the Debits and Credits)

    1. This is a net adjustment to GL Book Balance of 0.00

Go to Financials > Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation > Bank Reconciliation 

  1. Search  for the Bank Code, Bank Account and Reconciliation date range (Add new record if one does not already exist)

  2. Accept

  3. Select Adj/Dep Recon in the ribbon

  4. Create Items

  5. Accept

  6. Yes

  7. Yes

  8. Continue

  9. Select Clear Items in the ribbon

  10. Tab to the Clear Date field and select Accept

  11. Enter a Clear Date (within the Reconciliation period) for the Direct Deposit item and a Clear Date (before the first month Bank Reconciliation was used in the system)

  12. Accept

  13. Yes

  14. Back

  15. Recalculate

  16. Yes

End results:

  • A net adjustment to GL Book Balance (Balance in the Cash Account) of $0.00 (since the Direct Deposit amount already hit the cash account)

  • Adjustment showing as Cleared in the Reconciliation period for the amount of the missing Direct Deposit

Additional Information

Contact Financial General Ledger Support for further assistance