Set up Auto Print for Tyler Forms in Student Activity

Description of Issue

!TF - TYLERFORMS definition doesn’t work on the Student Activity program

SA Checks/SA EFTs not printing from Student Activity

  1. Tyler Forms

  2. DocOrigin

  3. Student Activity


!TF - TYLERFORMS definition doesn’t work in the Student Activity program as it doesn’t have a default job assigned to it to process the check form. 


A DocOrigin Definition needs to be set up with a default job code for use in Student Activity. 

Within Munis > TylerMenu > System Administration > Printer / Device Administration > Printer Definitions and create the necessary definitions (Checks and/or EFT). For example:

  • Printer ID - !TFC

  • Printer Name - SA Check AUTO

  • Printer Type - Tyler Forms

  • Printer/Forms Command - MunisCatDO

  • Default Job - Process Student Activity Checks

  • Printer ID - !TFE

  • Printer Name - SA EFT AUTO

  • Printer Type - Tyler Forms

  • Printer/Forms Command - MunisCatDO

  • Default Job - Process Student Activity EFTs

Additional Information

Once the new definition(s) are created, the above printer IDs should be selected within the Student Activity program when printing Checks/EFTs.