Tyler Cashiering Payment Process Hangs After Check Endorsement

Description of Issue

When processing a check payment in Tyler Cashiering using the EPSON TM-6000V receipt printer, the payment process hangs after the check is endorsed.  Message is:   Endorsement complete. Awaiting endorsement...

  • Tyler Cashiering 2019.1.x

  • Payment Processing

  • Check Endorsement

  • EPSON TM-6000V


The EPSON TM-6000V receipt printer doesn't capture the check image, but Tyler Cashiering 2019.1.x is configured to print the check images.

  1. Log into the Cashiering client with an Administrative account

  2. Go to Settings > System Settings 

  3. Click on the Receipting tab

  4. UNCHECK the Print check images box

  5. Click Save

Additional Information