Quarterly 941 Schedule B Payroll Day totals not matching Payroll Detail Proof Reports

Description of Issue

Why is the Quarterly 941 Schedule B totals for the days of the payrolls not matching the Payroll Detail Proofs? 

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions Proof

  • Quarterly 941 Schedule B


  • The Schedule B reports tax liabilities, pulling data from History, but it is not a direct pull from history. Only withholdings are reported on Schedule B. 

    •  It will take the Deduction Gross in the payroll x the FICA and Medicare percent. 

  • Data is displayed as Month 1, 2, and 3 representing the first, second, and third months of the reporting quarter. 

    • Days represent the check date of each warrant in that month. 

  • There are additional automated calculations to tie the report out to Accumulators. 

    • The last Day of each Month is increased or decreased to tie out to the Monthly Accumulator totals. 

    • The last Month of the Quarter is increased or decreased to tie out to the Quarterly totals.

  • The Schedule B is designed to match the Quarterly 941.

Additional Information

Unlocking the Secrets of Quarterly Reconciling (Schedule B starts on Page 13)