Impact Accruals setting in Pay Master

Description of Issue

Employee is not earning time when payroll is processed, Accrual Earning method is 01- From Time Worked Within Payroll

  • Munis

  • Pay Master

  • Accrual Tables

  • All versions


Impact Accruals tab was not setup on the pay codes

  1. Navigate to the Pay Master program (Human Capital Management>Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)

  2. Search for the pay codes which should be earning time, such as base pay

  3. Click on the Impact Accruals tab

  4. Click Update and change the Impact for the specified accrual code

    1. No Impact will not impact the accrual at all

    2. Add will add time to the accrual balance for the employee

    3. Subtract & Add will subtract and add time, This is common when an employee should still earn vacation time while they are on vacation

    4. Subtract Only will subtract time from the accrual balance

    5. Comp Time Earned is used with a very specific pay setup

  5. Click Accept to save the record

Additional Information

Suggestion is to test the changes in a test payroll in a non-production environment and confirm that the anticipated results are achieved