Print FTYD Earnings - Fisc Earn on check

Description of Issue

How can we stop the Fisc Earn from printing on our Standard Check/Advice ?

  • Munis

  • Payroll Processing

  • Payroll Check

  • Payroll Advice

  • Payroll Control Settings


Within the Payroll Run Control program, the Print FYTD Earnings checkbox was selected. When using the Check Format 'S- Standard' a line fir the FISC EARN is printed. 

  1. Navigate to the Payroll Control Settings program (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Payroll Control Settings)

  2. Click Accept on any item in the Payroll Control Settings program

    1. Note: The Payroll Control Settings display in a Browse view when first opening the program. In order to access the Run Control tab, you must click  either Accept or Cancel

  3. Click Run Control from the toolbar

  4. Click Update 

  5. Click Print FTYD Earnings to remove the check mark 

  6. Click Accept to save

  7. A pop-up window will appear asking if you want to update the Mail Sort Default for all employee master records, Click No

  8. Repeat steps  5 -7 for all Run Control Codes that should not have the fiscal year-to-date earnings printed on the check/advice

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